The name of the Association shall be ‘Kennington Park Road Residents’ Association and Neighbourhood Watch’.
As part of the general community of Kennington, the purpose of the Association shall be the preservation of the character of Kennington Park Road and the improvement of its amenities and environs for the wellbeing of its residents.
Membership is open to:
a) All persons aged over 16 who are residents of Kennington Park Road
b) Such other persons or organisations as the Association may elect to membership
c) Such employees of organisations based on Kennington Park Road as the Association may elect to membership.
The Affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Committee consisting of no fewer than four and no more than ten members. The members of the Committee shall take on the role of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer on a rotating basis. The Committee Members will retire at the end of two years, but will be eligible for re-election for a further term up to a maximum of three consecutive terms at the Annual General Meeting. Additional terms may occasionally be agreed by majority vote at the AGM. The Committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees and the Committee and any sub-committee shall have power to co-opt other persons to attend their meetings.
The Association in General Meeting or the Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting in each year and shall have power to convene such other general meetings as may be thought fit. Not less than seven days’ notice shall usually be given of all general meetings, the exception being in emergencies. The Chair will keep order and will ensure respectful and courteous interactions at all meetings.
At every General Meeting each Member present in person shall have one vote. Proxy votes may be notified to the committee in writing in advance of the meeting. From time to time, the Committee may invite residents to vote online on specific issues and topics to inform the work of the Committee.
No appeal for funds (other than funds required for the administrative expenses of the Association and occasional charitable donations) shall be made except on the authority of a resolution passed at a general meeting of the Association of which notice of the intention to make the appeal and the purpose for which funds are requested has been given with the notice convening the meeting. Subscriptions to any appeal shall be voluntary and anonymous.
The Association may only be wound up by a resolution of the Association in General Meeting passed by a two-thirds majority of those present. On a winding up the assets of the Association, after all debts have been paid, shall be transferred to such charity as the meeting shall agree and failing agreement to the Evelina London’s Children Hospital.
These rules may only be changed by a resolution of the Association in General Meeting by a two-thirds majority.